Temporary employment contract

Eurojob offers its employees a temporary employment contract in accordance with the ABU-CAO (collective Labour agreement). ABU CAO The ABU CAO (collaborative labour agreement) work with contracts in accordance with the phase system.

This system consists of three phases: Phase A, Phase B and Phase C.

Phase A

In this phase you work on the basis of a temporary employment contract with a temporary employment clause or a temporary employment contract for a fixed period. Temporary employment contract with temporary employment clause: With this contract you will usually only get paid for the hours you have worked. Fixed hours may also be included in the contract which Eurojob is obligated to pay for.

This is expressly included in your contract. Once the contract with the hirer ends, the contract is terminated automatically. Temporary employment contract for a fixed period: these are agreements with a fixed duration. These will usually be contracts with a duration of four weeks. The start and finish dates are recorded in the contract.

If the employment is continued after the finish date, then this shall be tacitly extended for the same duration and under the same employment conditions. A contract with a duration in excess of 4 weeks shall not be tacitly extended but the contract shall terminate by operation of law on the finish date stated therein. Continued payment of wages obligation phase A During the first 52 weeks, Eurojob does not have to continue paying the wage if there is no work. There is then an oncall contract.

If you still have an on-call contract after 52 weeks, (in the 13th month) you will receive an offer for a fixed number of hours which is based on the average working hours you worked in the preceding 52 weeks. You are not obliged to accept this offer. Eurojob can also choose to offer you fixed hours including continued payment at an earlier time. In that case, you shall be obliged to work these hours but Eurojob is also obliged to pay them. In the case of such a contract, no further offer will be made after 52 weeks employment since you already have fixed hours including continued payment in your current contract.

During phase A you can directly terminate your temporary employment contract in the following two cases: ▪ You have a temporary employment contract with a temporary employment clause. In that case you are obliged to notify Eurojob at least 1 working day prior to the termination. ▪ You have a fixed-term contract and Eurojob is relying on the exclusion of the obligation to continue paying wages. If you have a fixed-term contract which does not include the exclusion of continued payment of wages, you can terminate it prematurely with due observance of the statutory notice period of one month, unless this is excluded in your contract. Phase A lasts in total for a maximum of 52 worked weeks. After 52 worked weeks and with no interruption of 26 weeks, deployment phase B commences.

Phase B

In phase B you will be working on the basis of a temporary employment contract for a definite period of time. During a period of a maximum of three years, we may offer you no more than six phase B contracts. These contracts will legally terminate on the end date stated in the contract. After three years or six contracts phase B, phase C will start if your contract is extended. You can prematurely terminate your contract if the contract includes a period of notice. The statutory notice period is one month.

Phase C

In phase C you will be working on the basis of a temporary employment contract for an indefinite period of time. Termination must take place at the end of the month. The legal period of notice is one month. This can vary depending on what has been agreed in your employment contract. Eurojob is entitled to claim for all damage caused by you failing to not comply with this period of notice.


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